3 Best Face Pack For Glowing & Shining Skin at Home

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By Sara Nawaz

Best Face Pack

Image Source: Freepik

This is the only Face Pack that is useful for all skin types. It closes the open pores of the face and instant glowing , whitening , fairness skin of the face.  This Best Face Pack can be used for Glowing  & Shining Skin at Home.

Best Face Pack For Glowing  & Shining Skin at Home

Multani Clay Face Pack Making Recipe:

Make a paste of raw Multani mud by mixing one egg white and one teaspoon of honey and 
apply it on the face. Apply from forehead to neck. No piece of the face and neck ought to be left unfilled. Eyes ought to be shut and the face ought to be totally smooth. At the point when you feel that the glue has dried and you feel strain, clean up with cold water.

Face Pack for Dry Skin

For dry skin, grind Multani mud and add a little crushed turmeric mixture and a few drops 
of almond oil to make a paste. 
The paste must be soft. Apply it on the face and leave it for fifteen minutes. Then wash your faceUse this paste. Will make your face brighter day by day.

Face Pack for Oily Skin

Break the egg in a cup and take out the whites. Separate the yolks. Mix a few drops of 
lemon juice in the whites. Then spread it with the help of tea spoon till it foams in the cup. Now apply it on the face.  When it is dry, wash your face with cold water ۔

Face Pack for Normal Skin

Take one part dry powdered milk and one part raw multani mud and mix olive oil in it. This 
will make a soft paste. Now apply it on the face and wait for fifteen minutes then take it off and wash your face. It will be the best mask for normal skin. It makes the face look radiant and radiant.

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