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What is Pigmentation?
The black marks that appear on the skin are called pigmentation.
Why Pigmentation Comes On Face
In skin pigmentation, the skin color does not remain the same, and in some places tourist spots appear.Â
How Many Types of Pigmentation?
There are two types of pigmentation
1. Hypo pigmentation
2. Hyper pigmentation
1. Hypo Pigmentation
The big black marks that appear on the skin are called hypo
2.   Hyper Pigmentation
The mole-like black marks that appear on the skin are called Hyper pigmentation. Hyper pigmentation can affect any part of the body pigmentation, including the pigmentation on face, dark pigmentation around neck, pigmentation on hands, pigmentation on arms and pigmentation on legs. The reason is the high production of melanin.Â
What are the Causes of Pigmentation?
The first reason is the lack of proper distribution of melanin inside the skin. The use of substandard products is another major reason. Mercury and steroids in substandard products cause pigmentation and affect the skin very badly. Skin polish, bleach, tension and pregnancy are the third major causes. External causes of skin damage include exposure to the sun, skin injuries, burns, stress or exposure to chemicals.
Reason for Pigmentation on Face
There can be various reasons for this, including hormonal changes, pregnancy and various health problems.
How to Remove Pigmentation from Face Permanently At Home Naturally
Best Treatment for Pigmentation on Face
1.   Lemon
Lemons contain citric acid which is capable of bleaching the skin. Due to this property it is very popular for treating skin pigmentation. Extract the lemon juice and apply it on the skin with a cotton ball, leave it on for ten to fifteen minutes and then wash it off with water. Do this twice a day. In a few months you will see a clear difference.
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1.  Lemon ————–equal amount
2.   Honey–————–equal amountÂ
You can also make a mask by mixing equal amounts of lemon and honey. Mix the two ingredients well and apply it on the affected area. Cover the skin with warm towel for 15 minutes, then wash with lukewarm water. Do this once for several months.
Note : For people with delicate skin, use water mixed with lemon juice.
2.   Raw Potatoes
Potatoes also clear skin scars and pigmentation. Peel a potato and cut it into thick slices. Put a few drops of water on the potato and rub it on the skin for five to ten minutes then wash with warm water . Do it three to four times a day for one month.
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Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Mix lemon juice equal to the juice. Mix this mixture on the skin and leave it for 20 to 30 minutes then wash. Apply twice a day for one month.
3.   Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar also removes tourist spots on the skin due to higher pigmentation. It has the ability to brighten the skin. In addition, it also helps to restore the natural color of the skin.
1.  Apple Cider Vinegar ————–equal amount
2.   Water–——————————equal amountÂ
1.  Apple Cider Vinegar ————–two teaspoonsÂ
2.  Water——————————-half a glass  of warm water
3.  Honey——————————one teaspoon
Add two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to half a glass of warm water , then add one teaspoon of honey.
4.   Vitamin E
Vitamin E is useful for the treatment of skin pigmentation. It improves the skin by eliminating the effects of ultraviolet rays.
1.  Vitamin E —————-one capsule
2.  Castor Oil—————–three or four drops
Mix all Ingredients put the mixture in a bowl.  Apply this mixture on the skin before going to bed at night and wash off the next morning. Apply daily for two to three weeks. Massage Vitamin E Oil on the skin twice a day for ten minutes.
5.   Turmeric
Turmeric also clears the complexion.
1.  Turmeric———————-one teaspoon
2.  Lemon Juice——————one teaspoon
Mix all Ingredients and apply on the affected area. Leave it on for 5 minutes.  Then wash with cold water. After washing, avoid going out in the sun for one hour. Use before bathing. Make a paste by mixing
1.  Turmeric————–ten tablespoonsÂ
2.  Milk—————— ten tablespoons
Mix all Ingredients Apply paste on the affected area and massage for five minutes.  Leave it on for twenty minutes then wash off with warm water.
6.   Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is also excellent for treating skin pigmentation. Before going to bed, apply aloe Vera gel on the affected skin and leave it on overnight. Get up in the morning and wash it daily. Apply daily for a few weeks.
1.  Aloe Vera————–two tablespoons
2.  Honey——————half tablespoon
Mix all Ingredients , mix well and keep for ten minutes. Now apply this mixture on the skin and leave it to dry. After twenty minutes, wash with warm water once a day. Apply for two weeks.
7.   Orange Peel
Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. The peel contains citric acid which helps in cleansing the skin.
1.  Lemon Juice——————–one teaspoon
2.  Honey—————————-one teaspoon
3.  Milk——————————-one teaspoon
4.   Orange Peel Powder————one teaspoon
Mix all Ingredients Wash with. Do three or four times a week. Take some precautions with these tips. Don’t go out in the hot sun. If you have to go out, use sunscreen with SPF of at least 5.