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Color Whitening Cream Made from Natural Ingredients
White is every girl’s dream and women use new methods to fulfill their desires. There are numerous products available in the market that claim that your complexion will lighten in a few days after use but no one is
aware of the innumerable harms of the chemical ingredients in them.
Today we will show you easy ways to make coloring creams from common household items that will not only brighten your complexion but also its There will be no harm. We will show you two ways to prepare creams, one will be useful for smooth and normal skin while the other will be useful for dry and sensitive skin. First of all we will tell you how to make a cream to whiten oily and normal skin.
Natural Mask
A creamy way to whiten oily and normal skin :
Ingredients needed to make this cream include :-.
1-Â Â Tomato paste
2-Â Â Rose liqueur
3-Â Â Lemon liqueurÂ
4-Â Â Mullet powder
Take a medium sized tomato and make a paste of it then add a few drops of rose liqueur, add half a lemon liqueur and then add two teaspoons of mullet powder, mullet powder is the most important part of this cream which not only Hyper pigment controls the skin and also protects the skin from the harmful effects of the sun.
While the rose water in this cream plays an important role in keeping the skin moist and brightening the complexion, mix all these ingredients well. The whitening cream is ready. Now apply a thick layer of this cream on your face, hands, feet and neck with the help of a brush and leave it on till it dries. After the paste dries in about fifteen minutes, then soak the cotton in cold water. Start scrubbing the cream on your skin.Â
When the whole cream is scrubbed, wash it off with cold water. This cream will remove all the dirt in your skin and also expel the dead cells, which will make your complexion clear and transparent. It is best to apply it for the first time. The results will come out and you will be able to feel a clear difference on your skin. This cream will not only brighten your complexion but will also make your skin soft and supple.